Letter: What socialism really is

 Socialism is while the state controls the way of manufacturing. This is, owns the factories and such where people paintings. The united states are not anything like a socialist kingdom in any respect. We are a democratic republic of states with a capitalist economic system. No one desires to trade that.

Letter: What socialism really is

 Not even Bernie Sanders, who I’ll admit made a grave marketing mistake in figuring out to call himself a democratic socialist, beginning the door for all uneducated alarmists to align him and everybody with the term “social” of their makeup, as communists — which is, once more, definitely one of a kind from socialism.

Equating taxes that might permit all people in us of a to have fitness care, better training, and housing to socialism is bunk. We pay taxes for schools, libraries, police departments, fireplace departments, roads, airport ports, and the military. 

If taxes are socialist, then u. S. Military is the most important and maximum highly-priced socialist agency in the international. And each person appears to be excellent with that because of the middle of the ultimate century. 

Get a clue human beings. Appearance up the definitions of words every now and then. Stop shopping for into the propaganda. 

H. Weston Drumheller 


Source: https://www.thechronicleonline.com/opinion/letter-what-socialism-really-is/article_8d65d29c-1e06-11eb-8811-d3efce17e16a.html
