What cruise ship is being evacuated?

The passenger Evacuation Seminar in the present work of the SAFEGUARD project, who conducted a series of big-scale passenger evacuation tests to collect every type of data for calibration and validation of ship escape modeling models.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) under SOLAS Chapter III Regulation 21.1.4 requires re-check that all survival craft shall be capable of being launched with their full complement of per persons within a period of 30 minutes from the time then abandon ship signal is given. However, this regulation stipulates that the 30-minute timeframe only starts when all the passengers have been mustered with lifejackets donned. 
What cruise ship is being evacuated?

What cruise ship is being evacuated?

The total evacuation time of a passenger ship will also include the moment when passengers and crew actually meet at the meeting point where they set up time on board when the basic alarm is heard. The "Simplified guidelines for the analysis of the evacuation of new and existing passenger ships" of the IMO, described in MSC Circ 1033 and its successor MSC Circ 1238, recommend a maximum total evacuation time of 60 to 80 minutes for ships passage, taking into account the following:

60 minutes should be applied to vessels with no more than three main vertical / fire zones: and
80 minutes applies to vessels with more than three main vertical zones (fire).
As they are currently only IMO guidelines, it is up to the governments of the Member States to decide whether to incorporate all or part of the guidelines in their national legislation or keep them only as "guidelines".

The guidelines require that the evacuation of passenger ships be calculated at the design stage to provide information on the duration of the evacuation, passenger flows throughout the ship and identify and eliminate congestion as much as possible. The guidelines provide for the possibility of using a simplified or improved method to analyze the evacuation of passenger ships. Identify at least four cases of evacuation of passengers to take into account; Day and night simulations of evacuation of passenger ships and other cases involving only one of the main vertical fire zones, but assuming that only 50% of the stairs are present, or that an additional 50% of passengers in the adjacent area are He is forced to move to the area place also day and night. Evacuation tests on passenger ships.

Cruise Ship

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee has requested the Fire Subcommittee to develop guidelines for the evacuation of passenger ships. The resulting MSC Circ 1033 has always been conceived as an intermediate guide. Much of the data in this circular was derived from the estimation of human movement during the construction of the land. While there are many physical similarities, there are also a number of human and operational differences in the evacuation of passenger ships.
 As a general rule, a building evacuation procedure requires that passengers only travel to the nearest exits. Assuming an external exit point will be the end of the evacuation process. The procedures on board are more complex. Passengers may have to return to their cabin to pick up life jackets before heading to a predetermined station for meetings (or conventions). Then they have to leave the ship in very unknown ways, such as lifeboats, life rafts and possibly escape slips. They face potential additional risks due to weather conditions, the movement of the vessel or even the increase of the list or compensation of the vessel. Routes can be complicated when passengers need to get on or off the decks from their current location or to a particular side of the ship (port or side).

River Cruises

Passenger response time data is essential for ship evacuation analysis and is a key parameter identified in the Evacuation Analysis Protocol. The FIRE EXIT project of the European Union (EU) has taken marine test data for passenger evacuation response times, although limited, but showed that the response time data used in MSC Circ 1033 was not rich enough as to accurately reflect reality and, therefore, did not provide data. an appropriate basis for using or validating escape simulation programs. SHEBA FIRE EXIT evacuation test data related to passenger response times were submitted to IMO and included in the new MCS Cir 1238 analysis protocol.

The main objective of the SAFEGUARD research project is to continue this work and collect large amounts of passenger response data on board and real-time collection time of sufficient size and wealth to calibrate, verify and validate the evacuation analysis software for passenger ships Details of these tests, together with additional reference scenarios, will be provided in three IMO reference documents for inclusion in future modifications to the MSC Circ 1238.
